Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Dredge

The Dredge

To me,
the shrill buzz
that grinds its way through 
deep green waves daily,
is the big rude dredge
that rapes my home 
of its whitest sand
to deposit on shore
for the pleasure of people 
to me.

Johns Hopkins

Johns Hopkins

This is a fake city, no different than Disneyland.
How can they tell red brick from red brick?
Is everyone here really a fierce intellectual?
Even the boy fresh from high school,
with the baby blue binder?
Doesn't anyone here ever loose their left glove?

If it were Spring I would sit outside
on a park bench with my reading,
but this place is icy.
I must find warmth
in the security guard's smile
and the bottom level of the library,
where grids of cubicles stretch like
the Sahara,
devoid of even an eraser shaving.
People file themselves away like books,
Layers upon layers of information in
limitless halls and infinity pages.

Who will read them all?
What do they even offer to us?
Ideas and Information
to file into our minds.
But books alone can never make
that flood of knowledge
come pouring out
the streets
of this city.