Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Some nights, not often, but now at least, my bed is too soft and I can not lie still. I walk through the dark room and snatch my glasses from the dresser, leaving my roomate dreaming and muttering. Forget dreaming. Instead, my bare feet press to cold linoleum, my cotton shirt drapes across my torso, and my middle is contained by the taut waistband of slick basketball shorts. Tight skin covers all of me. I push a stray rope of hair away from my face, open the fridge, drink water, anything but lie still. When my breath is this loud, or rather, the room this soft, my humanness becomes palpable. I am such a restless creature.
God, what will this life be when I'm gone? Will it ever result to more than this pen to paper, a feeble attempt at catching and preserving these slippery fish that churn in my belly? Sometimes I feel the only artists who have caught them are the ones who write about their uncatchable-ness.
God, I can tell that you have made a spirit that becomes restless in a physical body. In the middle of the night, I realize that I am nothing more than a container for something eternal. Life is just a borrowing of bones, to be taken very seriously and very lightly.
I swear I hear music, whispers of piano and strings, inside the whir of the AC unit next to me.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Bits from a notebook II

-Truth.  Knowledge.  Neither is withheld if we seek.

-To create is to worship.

To be human is to create. 

-Christians and artists give answers to questions that people don't realize they're asking.

God speaks. 

-How do we "lay ourselves down" in service while creating something that is uniquely from ourselves?  Maybe that IS what "laying ourselves down" is - giving an outpouring of what we have specifically inside of us.  Giving God a gift that can only come from me - my intellect, my reasoning, my imagination and creativity. 

-What constitutes "the good life"? 

-Observe. Interpret. Apply.

What? So what? Now what?

-I don't have all the answers

-As an artist, I record my world daily.  However, the most profound moments I have experienced by myself, with no pen in hand.  They are beyond word or image, incappable of reproduction.  I can tell you though, that they have always involved sunlight, wind, breath and a movement of the spirit.

- 1. Ask questions

  2. Listen

  3. Try to understand 

-Everybody sees things a little bit differently

-On an airplane, it's good to meet your neighbors

Other's Words:

-"in this net it's not just the strings that count

but also the air that escapes through the meshes" -Neruda

-"the truth that is truth is often paradox" -Tao Te Ching

-"If I forget you God, may my hands forget their skill." -psalms 137:1

-"Don't doubt in the dark what you have seen in the light." -student at Salt conference

-"I've been thirsty my whole life.  Never really known why." -Big Fish

-"Artists use lies to tell the truth." -V for Vendetta

-"There are no words to explain, no tongue, how when that player touches the strings, it is me playing and being played."  -Rumi

Monday, July 6, 2009

The Fourth of July in Baltimore

Rippling above skyscrapers,
whistles erupt into pops, helicopters 
overhead whir like
lawnmowers, the dead
bird on the basketball court is
Machines boom and purr, 
gun-pops burst, ambulances
like alley cats 
in windowsills. 

Friday, July 3, 2009

My last poem written as a teenager

I'm at a point 

where I can choose the literature I read:

useless magazines, scholarly textbooks, 

thoughts from any place on the globe.

I'm at a point 

where I can choose what I believe 

concerning a higher power.

My moral code,

and my clothes

are my choice

and I could literally eat a 

gallon of ice cream if I wanted.

Every day 

I could destroy someone's life,

or show them love.

Im at a point 

where I must figure out 

who I want to be.

In the past, 

my class, education, 

family trade, husband,

would all be determined from birth.

But now, 

every aspect of life 

is a decision 

placed in my

floundering teenage arms.