Saturday, February 20, 2010

Bits from a freshman year notebook:

-"Be clear minded and self controlled so that you can pray. Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins."

-Here's what I like: Grahm crackers. Here's what else I like: cold, cold water and sun warmth.

-"How can something not have meaning? Everything has meaning. Even lying in bed, putting the blinds down, sleeping in, and not talking to anyone has meaning."

-I kind of like mess ups.

-If a piece of art doesn't respect the audience's mind, I won't give it the time of day.

-Abstract concepts seem obscene as we pass alongside places we've destroyed in war.

-Here we are in our ivory tower, learning about art...

-Religion has become domesticated. Marx called it the opiate of the masses. It just feels good.

-communication isn't always easy.

-Oh how complicated
we've made it all out to be,
truth, religion,

-This is the first morning in months where I've had nothing to do. It's like something I knew long ago...

-Is geometry idealistic?

-Color is the lifeblood of painting.

-Prayer is moving the hand of God. Prayer is where ministry happens (cause we, as humans, sure don't do it.)

-To look is superficial. To see is to perceive.

-"Don't compartmentalize - divisions don't always serve you. Why say 'this is my work' and 'this isn't'?"

- I heard the saddest thing today -
"I don't like the sun."
"It burns."
How can you live life that way?
(There's something about the sun that tells me today is good.)

-"He looked at her like she might may be magic."

-People should never be treated as a means; they are always an end.

-Half asleep and half awake makes for a very painful day...

-It's healthy to have conversations with different kinds of people and thinkers.

-We tend to break things down into binaries. There is more than binaries. There is complexity.

-At art school we challenge and then change culture. We always think critically as artists. Is this something I want to spend the rest of my life doing? It is important to analyze myself and why I make decisions.

-You know what's crazy? Some people spend their whole life never figuring out who they are.

-Art is no less then philosophy - they dally with the same questions.

-"I've been tryin for years to grow up."
"Don't do it."
"I won't."

-Light is the most significant thing to ever happen.

-Can the piece of art answer the questions it raises about itself? You are in charge of the way your work exists in the world and is interpreted by people.

-Calculation. Let go. Let the poet, the dreamer in you take hold it it.

- We are performers. We are communicators. Our job is to communicate. To leave the impression of our soul on the viewer.

- Make a list of ten things that you like. Your art should have at least 3-5 of this in it, or else, why do it?

-Do or do not. There is no try.

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